about us

“When one door closes, another one opens”
Born and raised in BC, farming has been a passion since I was a young adult living in Pemberton, raising chickens, turkeys and pheasants. Animals have always been an important part of my life.
In 2012, a tragedy struck our family and left me to raise my two young children on my own. Our lives changed in a matter of seconds that day, but little did I know at the time, it was to be a valuable lesson in life. Going forward, we lived our lives with new meaning and purpose, recognizing the fragility of life and learning to prioritize the people we love and the things we love doing.
As our housing needs changed while living in the Lower Mainland, so did the size of livestock we kept. Living on a small city lot, my only option was honey bees. Keeping them ignited a new passion and in 2019 my formal education began in Commercial Beekeeping. Bee Kind Honey Infusions was born that same year with the focus being on quality, local honey and whole ingredients for our infusions.
Today, we run a few hundred colonies throughout Langley, Surrey, and Aldergrove. Our numbers are constantly growing as demand for quality food increases. My dream of being back on a farm is now our reality. We share the farm with our bees, chickens, goats, and my beloved Hanoverian horses that I breed and raise. Life is good.
Kirsten Brolin
Beekeeper, Entrepreneur, but most important, Mother
about honey
Honey is a delicious and beneficial natural sweetener that can be added to enhance a wide variety of foods and dishes. It's mild flavour profile can also easily take on the delightful and welcome flavour of most herbs, spices, flowers, and fruit peels through the process of infusion. Infused honey makes a great gift for the friends and families in your life.
our process
To create infused honey, we use a combination of techniques that require time and patience. All of our honey is locally sourced and most of it is made by our own bee colonies. We use only local ingredients for our infusions.
At the start of our infusion process, a small amount of heat is applied, allowing us to mix the ingredients with the honey. We are careful to only apply low heat, thereby not destroying the health benefits of the honey. After the ingredients are mixed with the honey, we allow our infusion to sit from four to eight weeks. During this time, we'll test the infusions for taste. Once we are happy with the flavour, we will then separate the ingredients from the honey, leaving the rich flavour of the infusion. Each batch is safety tested for moisture levels. All moisture levels are below 17.5%, thereby making it safe for consumer consumption.